Saturday Jun 7, 2025
Saturday 7th June 2025
Gates 11:00
Music 11:30
Eco-Power stadium, Doncaster
Tickets from £55 via
Martin Semple
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Donny Fest is the new Doncaster Music festival proudly serving Doncaster with a top class day celebrating live music. The festival promises to bring huge artists to the town performing over 3 stages. The main stage, an acoustic tent and a busker stage.
Not only are the team passionate to bring high quality performances for the people of Doncaster but to attract some tourism to benefit the businesses and people of Donny.
This year we are proud to announce JAMES BAY, Tom Meighan (ex Kasabian frontman) Heather Small, The View, The Farm, Simon and Oscar (Ocean Colour Scene) James Walsh (Starsailor) and many more.
Our new home is the magnificent Eco-Power stadium. There are a variety of tickets on offer from standard to VIP and also corporate hospitality boxes.
We have a few corporate hospitality suites remaining. Boxes for 10 people and a box for 20 people. Please contact should you wish to book. Great for a team day out, employee incentive or to entertain clients.