A special ‘Tree of Trust’ has been set up in Doncaster for people to write their hopes and wishes in a bauble and raise funds for Doncaster Deaf Trust.
The Christmas ‘Tree of Trust’ is in pride of place in the city centre branch of HSBC UK Bank, who are supporting the charity again this year.
Becca Lynch, fundraiser at Doncaster Deaf Trust said: “This is the second year we have had a ‘Tree of Trust’ in place and anyone wishing to donate can do so by visiting the branch. Public donations during the festive period are really appreciated.
“We also have a ‘Tree of Trust’ at Doncaster Deaf Trust, this one is for our visitors, staff and pupils.
“We are asking for a minimum donation of £1 and all proceeds will go towards improving our garden spaces for our children and young people.”
A just giving page has also been set up for people who wish to donate online https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/treeoftrust
For further information or to support the Trust visit www.deaf-trust.co.uk