Ensure your Business is Cyber Aware this Cyber Security Month

Managing your Businesses Cyber Security can add unnecessary stress onto you and your business. Cyber Security threats are constant, ever evolving, and can come from different entry points each time, potentially leaving you exposed 24/7/365. When addressing your businesses Cyber Security, you may look towards the most obvious threats including the Dark Web, Email Phishing and more. However, these only touch the surface of what your business could be exposed to if your Businesses Cyber Security is not being managed correctly.  

Starting with the End(point) in mind is always a good place to start when it come to your Businesses Cyber Security. Endpoint protection covers any device that can connect to your network, company data, or any of your cloud services, whether this is an on-site device, company laptop or an employee's own smartphone, One2Call cover it with endpoint protection features.  

Are you wondering how endpoint protection works? Or if its relevant to you? It is, or at least, it should be. Endpoint protection monitors for incoming threats to your business devices by analysing behaviours associated with known malware and characteristics of malicious activities. Once detection has been identified, relevant action will be taken to keep your sensitive data secure. However, Active Protection like this can only be successful if it is constantly updated, every new threat is constantly being learnt to defend against and developed into this technology. That’s where One2Call’s managed Cyber Security packages come in.  

One2Call help build a Cyber Security package around what your business needs in order to remain safe from threat and minimise damage in the future if an attack were to happen. Whether this is via Anti-Virus Protection, Endpoint Protection, Dark Web Monitoring, Ransomware Protection and more, they all play a huge part in your business’ Cyber Security health. 

All the security features can be used in conjunction with all other services One2Call offer, so when it comes to anything tech everything is in one place for your ease and safety.  

Find out more about your current cyber health and how One2Call can build your security: https://www.one2call.net/managed-services/cyber-security/

And remember, Doncaster Chamber Members can get a FREE Dark Web & Mailbox Security Scan by visiting: https://www.one2call.net/doncaster-chamber