A monthly artisan food and craft fayre that attracts thousands of extra visitors to Lakeside Village, Doncaster, is set to make a welcome return on Saturday August 6.
The monthly fayre is proving popular with customers who enjoy seeing the different mix of stalls at each event.
July’s event saw more than 2,500 extra customers visit the centre to explore the 36 artisan food and craft stalls.
Di Mellis, centre manager at Lakeside Village, said: "It is great to see how the artisan food and craft fayre has quickly become a welcome addition to Lakeside Village.
“With more than 30 local stall holders offering gourmet tasty treats like handmade fudge, olives, baclava and rare snacks from around the globe and crafts, gifts and clothing there really is something for everyone.
“Feedback from customers is really positive and we even had a couple who said they travel from Leicester every time we have the Artisan Fayre on as they love it so much!
“We look forward to welcoming the stall holders and visitors back on August 6.”
For further information about Lakeside Village Shopping Outlet visit www.lakeside-village.co.uk