Active Fusion’s 10 More Years Appeal Makes Final Push To Hit Target

Too many children and young people, specifically those living in poverty, do not get access to the required hours of physical activity essential to a healthy childhood.

With reduction in funding, time in education and lack of free provision in communities amplified by the cost-of-living crisis, this situation is exacerbated, leaving many children in situations of physical and mental ill health. 

As a charity, Active Fusion use the power of sport and physical activity to lobby for change and equity for all children to be active. Their charity first mission sets out a promise to address this tsunami of inequality, with the Fusion Movement Campaign fully focused on doing exactly that.

Active Fusion’s target is to raise £10,000 in 10 weeks, reaching 10,000 views of the 10 More Years campaign film to raise awareness of the issues faced by our most vulnerable children and young people.
As of Friday 16th June, the campaign has raised just over £2000 of the fundraising target and hit the milestone of 3500 views to date. With limited time and an ambitious target, Active Fusion need your help now more than ever before.

Can you help spread awareness of the 10 More Years campaign by liking the film, sharing the campaign ask, supporting a fundraiser and/or Donating to their appeal?

You can find out more about the 10 More Years appeal here, donate via the Active Fusion website or set up your own fundraise via Just Giving. Don’t forget to share it on social media with the hashtags #10for10MoreYears #FusionMovementCampaign and tag @ActiveFusion.

By choosing to support Active Fusion, you are helping children and young people across south Yorkshire to thrive not just survive cost of living crisis. The money you raise will make sure these children and young people are safe, happy and healthy, so they too can ‘Be the best they can be’ for life!
You can find out more about the charity’s impact here.